Builders Project
Builders Project
Chile | Jim Mazurek
Countless children are wandering the treacherous streets of Santiago day and night. The Santiago Children’s Ministry Center offers them a safe place to find hope and a Christian education.
DESCRIPTION: Santiago Children’s Ministries Center began as a ministry to children on the streets. It has grown into a church, now ministering to entire families. This project includes a church and two-story education wing.
BENEFITS: More children will have access to hope, as they seek refuge from the horrors of prostitution, poverty, and homelessness. Rescued from the dark streets, these at-risk children in Chile are raised up to become the future Christian leaders of Santiago. The ministry will now have a place to offer a private education as an alternative to the hyper-secularized and atheistic government schools.
Oct 30, 2022
The work is moving forward on the Santiago Children's Ministry Center and we need your help!
Apr 1, 2021
Missionary Jim Mazurek reported that the Santiago Children’s Center is in the foundations stage. But unlike many other areas of the world which are beginning to return to normal, construction remains to be locked down.
Although there are still things to be thankful for in Chile! The ministry of Jim and Ester Mazurek is continuing online and a grocery gifts outreach to families in need has also taken place.
Please pray that God would lift the construction ban, enable the workers to return to their jobs, and God’s work would quickly go forward!
Jul 14, 2020
Estercita is one of many students who's life has been changed thank to this ministry and school...
Jun 24, 2020
Chile needs Santiago Children's Ministries Center!
Teams are needed!
Dec 3, 2018
This terrific team of pastors and members from four Virginia churches recently returned from working with Jim Mazurek in Chile! Thank you for your dedication to serving the Santiago, Chile community!
Mar 7, 2018
Praise God, we held our first service in the new church sanctuary for our Children's Outreach Center. There still is MUCH to do - surfacing the floor, windows, doors, etc, but meeting in there just motivates us to finish the work as soon as possible. Thanks again to all those who have helped us come this far.
Feb 21, 2017
Jan 20, 2017
We are getting close to finishing the upper bond beam on our sanctuary. After that comes the roof! We need construction teams for 2017, 2018. Please come and help us finish this building and move on the Phase Two - the elementary school.
Jan 13, 2017
Ever wondered how joining a MAPS Construction team will impact the lives you serve and your own live? Watch this video!
Nov 30, 2016
Helping complete this project will allow you to make a huge impact on an enormous amount of people!
Nov 17, 2016
Update from Jim Mazurek from Sept. 23rd.
We are having a tremendous time with a team of great friends from Del Norte, Ft Collins and Greeley, CO, making amazing progress on the Children's Outreach Center. Thank you Colorado!!
Estamos en un tiempo tremendo con un grupo de grandes amigos de Del Norte, Ft Collins y Greeley, Colorado, logrando grandes avances en la construccion del centro de ministerios infantiles. Gracias Colorado!
Nov 14, 2016
The work that will be needed next is on the inside including bathroom tile, fixtures, kitchen tile, fixtures, electrical, painting, drywall, plumbing, windows and doors. If you have expertise in any of these areas please contact us and we will help you get your team there.
Nov 14, 2016
Aug 9, 2016
Summer, 2016 - With the help of several teams sent by Builders International we have completed the form building, rebar installation and concrete pours for the sanctuary balcony and matching stairwells that take you up there. The job came out beautifully. Now we are moving up with the remaining walls and getting closer to setting up the roofing structure.
Sep 25, 2014
Santiago Builders Trip Proposal
Capital City Church Video
Project Video
Reaching And Raising Ministry Website
Construction Team Details Powerpoint - Santiago Children's Center
Santiago Christmas Letter
Santiago Team Info Sheet