Czech Republic
Czech Republic | Victoria Huňátovi
Atheism was instituted in the Czech Republic during the 40-year Marxist-Lenin terror. In the wake of this reign, Church Without Borders has seized the opportunity to share the good news of the gospel as they renovate and redeem a historic theater into a place of hope!
A newly purchased building will be converted from an old cinema into a functioning church. Renovated space will increase outreach in many areas, including the “Mother’s Club,” which reaches predominantly non-Christian families during the week. The church will open a café and possibly a gym during the week to bring in the community. The project will consist of three stories, completed in phases. Plans are to convert 24,218 square feet into a thriving building that will help launch future church plants, send out missionaries, coach and disciple other pastors, and continue to make an effort to reach beyond its borders into the rest of the world. Teams can help make this project a reality.
An established church in a dark place where the church is almost nonexistent will provide hope. Most Czechs do not know anyone who is a Christian, and they don't know anyone who even knows another Christian! The history of the old theater will naturally draw people in as they wonder what a church would have to offer the city after renovating this forgotten cinema! The already strong community of believers will welcome people throughout the week to share the love of Jesus with them. This church is already building hope and allowing communities that have never had the opportunity to experience the love of Jesus. A new building will catapult this congregation’s ability to spread the gospel.