
Builders Project

700 Cities Training Center

Bible Schools #9541


$481,805 USD

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Poland | Builders Teams Department

700 cities throughout Poland are without any evangelical church that preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ. 700 Cities Training Center will be the hub for training church planters to bring hope to these forgotten cities.


Nine years ago Pastor Swavek felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to count all the cities and towns in Poland. At that time, there were 900. Then he counted all the towns and cities without an evangelical church, which came to 700. He was challenged by the information he found and decided to begin a church planting movement. This is how the 700 Cities Training Center project began. The two-story building will serve as the local church for Pastor Swavek’s congregation, as well as a training hub for church planters across Poland.


This project will see results for many years. It will serve the Kanaan Church as a building for their congregation. As well, it will be the place where church planters learn how to establish churches all across Poland, where there is currently no gospel witness.