Poland | David Huneycutt
As Ukrainians flee their war-torn country, women and children find themselves vulnerable and separated from the safety of their homes, without their husbands. The Katowice Refugee Center will provide a safe place for Ukrainians to find hope.
DESCRIPTION: This three-story 11,300 sq ft building, previously used as an office building, will be remodeled in three phases, each floor being a phase. As one phase is completed, it will be used and then work will begin on the next phase. The renovation will consist of 12 small kitchens, 21 showers, and 33 toilets. We will also help provide basic furnishing for the facilities.
BENEFITS: The refugee center in Katowice, Poland, will create a safe place to provide basic physical needs, as well as spiritual and emotional healing for up to 160 Ukrainian refugees at a time. This building will protect refugees from gangs that are targeting the vulnerable and entrapping them into human trafficking rings, which are running rampant during this time. The Katowice Refugee Center will serve as a temporary residence while Ukrainians await processing and relocation to other parts of Europe or back to Ukraine once the invasion ends.