Ukraine | Vasiliy Voytovich
This Soviet-era campus needs major repair in order to meet governmental requirements. Upon completion, accreditation will be granted and 500 students can resume on-campus learning.
Description: Repair of Evangel Theological Seminary (ETS) includes immediate replacement of the heating system, as well as upgrading the sprinkler system, minor structural repairs, water damage repairs, and parking lot improvements. This must be done before the government will allow them to secure accreditation for their Master’s and Doctoral Degree program. The time to complete this work is now, while students are still studying off-campus due to COVID-19.
Benefits: ETS is the center of training and mentoring church planters for the entire country. The renovations and repair will allow for students to gain an advanced education and graduate with an accredited degree. The restoration of this campus will put the campus in compliance with building codes, extend the usage of the building for many years, as well as encourage and empower the students and faculty.