Builders Project
Builders Project
Ecuador | Timothy Anderson
The Jungle Bible School will train indigenous church planters to reach 600 unreached villages of the head-shrinking Shuar tribe.
DESCRIPTION: Situated among these tribal villages, deep within the jungles of southern Ecuador, sits a ten-acre Bible School campus. This will become a training ground for church planters who will evangelize the Shuar people, living in the Amazon region of Ecuador. This five-phase project will include the main seminary building, chapel, separate dorms for men, women, and families, as well as four apartments for professors. Forty students are currently attending this semester. This ministry is growing, and that is where you come in!
BENEFITS: Enrollment at Jungle Bible School continues to grow each semester! Upon graduation, students will become trained church planters, pastors, leaders, and laborers throughout the Shuar villages, and will take the Gospel to this unreached people group