Guatemala | John Sims
Thank you Donors and Teams for your giving and labor.
Many children in Guatemala suffer from the affects of extreme poverty and lack the opportunity to a basic education. Through the ministry of ChildHope many of these children are able to break the cycle of poverty and learn about the love of Jesus Christ. Teams are needed to help complete the construction of this school.
Description: Estancia de La Virgen Guatemala is an area of extreme poverty. The need is great in providing a Christian education to the children of this region and breaking the grip of hopelessness along with poverty. The construction of this Child Hope school will benefit more than 500 children and be a beacon of hope to this region.
Benefits: Through the passion of the teachers these children will learn about God's love and be rescued from the destruction of poverty. Their education will provide a foundation and the opportunity to excel in life. These at risk children will be the next generation of leaders, missionaries, and Christians in Guatemala.